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Dracula For CodeSandbox And 9 New Themes
Zeno RochaZeno Rocha|

Dracula For CodeSandbox And 9 New Themes

I don't know about you, but I always struggle to find a good syntax highlighter library for showing code on a page. I tried almost everything like Ace, CodeMirror, Prism, Monaco Editor, Shiki, etc.

Recently, the team behind CodeSandbox created this library called Sandpack, which allows you to add a live-running code editor to your React app. I gave it a try, and it's pretty neat! I obviously couldn't resist creating a Dracula theme for it, so here it is:

Dracula theme for Sandpack

Pro Tip: In case you didn't know, you can use Dracula on CodeSandbox by typing Ctrl + Shift + P and searching for "Color Theme". Now you can be productive again :)

Dracula theme for CodeSandbox

New on Dracula

Meet the 9 new themes that joined Dracula recently:

  • Drafts: a different Notes app for iOS and macOS
  • GIMP: a free and open source image editor
  • Hacker News: a news site focusing on tech and entrepreneurship
  • Homer: a simple static homepage for your server
  • Nextcloud: an on-premise file storage and sync software
  • Sandpack: a live-running code toolkit by CodeSandbox
  • SnippetsLab: a full-featured code snippets manager
  • tint2: a lightweight panel/taskbar for Linux
  • Youtube: a place you go to watch cat videos

Dracula theme for Drafts

Dracula in the wild

Jeff Winget (@talkingsbg) recently shared his Qtile rice setup with Alacritty, GTK, and Fira Code on Arch Linux. Looking sharp!

Jeff Winget Qtile rice setup with Dracula Theme

The end

Q: What does a vampire avoid ordering at any restaurant?

A: A steak.