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Dracula Icon


Dracula Theme for GTK
gtk - Theme Preview


Install manually

1.- Two options for download:

  • Download using the GitHub .zip download (Once extracted it must be renamed from gtk-master to Dracula)
  • Download from gnome-look - You can check the other theme variants there

2.- Extract the .zip file to the themes directory i.e. /usr/share/themes/ or ~/.themes/ (create it if necessary).

Activating theme

To activate the theme in Gnome, run the following commands in Terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Dracula"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme "Dracula"

or Change via distribution specific tweak-tool.

For the latest versions of Gnome using Gtk4(libadwaita) some extra steps should be done in order to get it working properly, you could do it in two ways:

1.- Manual way

  • Copy the assets folder to the ~/.config directory
  • Copy the gtk-4.0/gtk.css and gtk-4.0/gtk-dark.css files to ~/.config/gtk-4.0/

2.- Using this script which will copy the needed folders to the right directories

Icon Theme (optional)

Install manually

Download using the GitHub .zip download option and extract the .zip file to the icons directory i.e. /usr/share/icons/ or ~/.icons/ (create it if necessary).

Activating icon theme

To activate the theme in Gnome, run the following commands in Terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme "Dracula"

or Change via distribution specific tweak tool.