Dracula T-Shirt... A? B? Or C?
2022 is here, and like everybody else, I decided to write a "Year in Review" post.
I'm also starting to play around with the idea of having Dracula merch! Yes, think of t-shirts, stickers, hoodies, that kind of stuff. I need your help deciding which designs look better...
What t-shirt would you use in real-life? A or B or C?
Option A: Hexadecimal Shirt
Option B: ASCII Shirt
Option C: Vampire Slayers Shirt
New on Dracula
Three new themes joined the Dracula clan this week.
- Apollo: a Reddit mobile client built by a former Apple employee
- bobthefish: a Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome
- MySQL Workbench: a visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs
Dracula in the wild
This week @AntoSalvatore shared his KDE Plasma setup using a modified version of GTK Dracula. It also features Konsole terminal and Ubuntu Nerd Mono font.