Part of September's purchases will go towards curing childhood cancer. Read more
Dracula On Reddit + Discourse And Javadoc Themes
Zeno RochaZeno Rocha|

Dracula On Reddit + Discourse And Javadoc Themes

It's been 7 weeks since the launch of Dracula PRO and I've been sharing some of the lessons learned. I'm not a big Reddit user, but I decided to publish there and it went semi-viral 😅

Here's the post: $17,876.38 in 7 weeks

New on Dracula

We just hit 97 open source themes on Dracula! Check out the new ones:

Dracula for bspwm

New on Dracula PRO

Atom, a code editor built by GitHub, was one of the most requested themes. I'm glad to announce that it's now available for PRO users. Besides that, beta users of JetBrains IDEs can now use Dracula PRO on versions +2020.1.

Dracula PRO for Atom

Have a great week!