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Dracula Icon

Tabletop Simulator

Dracula Theme for Tabletop Simulator
tabletop-simulator - Theme Preview

Tabletop Simulator

Install manually

  1. Copy the below text
  2. Go into the settings of Tabletop Simulator
  3. Then Interface -> Theme Editor
  4. Paste the theme
name Dracula

button_normal             #21222C
button_hover              #52556C
button_pressed            #8E8E8E
button_disabled           #8E8E8E
button_highlight_a        #6272A4
button_highlight_b        #FF5555
button_highlight_c        #F52D00
button_neutral            #474C5A

window_background         #282A36
control_background        #21222C
transparent_background    #21222C7F
divider                   #6272A4

tab_normal                #44475A
tab_active                #BD93F9
tab_strip                 #BD93F9

motif                     #BD93F9
motif_highlight_a         #C39DF9
motif_highlight_b         #C9A7FA
splash                    #50FA7B
splash_highlight          #73FB95
glow                      #000000

context_menu_background   #282A36
context_menu_hover        #1C97FF
context_menu_text         #F8F8F2
context_menu_highlight    #73FB95

label                     #F8F8F2
input_text_inactive       #898989
input_text_active         #F8F8F2
floating_text             #21222C
note_edit_text            #F8F8F2
caret                     #21222C
selection                 #8AE8FC95

tooltip_background        #282A36
tooltip_border            #F8F8F2
tooltip_text              #F8F8F2
tooltip_motif             #C39DF9

radio_button_background   #282A36
radio_button_pressed      #282A36

check_box_background      #21222C
check_box_pressed         #282A36

slider_normal             #474C5A
slider_pressed            #C1C1C1
slider_label              #21222C

chat_tab_background       #474C5A7F
chat_tab_highlight        #44475A

chat_output_background    #FFFFFF7F
chat_output_controls      #FFFFFF
chat_input_background     #FFFFFF7F
chat_input_controls       #FFFFFF
chat_input_text           #F8F8F2

console_output_background #282A36F4
console_output_controls   #282A36F4
console_input_background  #282A36F4
console_input_controls    #282A36F4
console_input_text        #F8F8F2

lua_background            #282A36
lua_text                  #F8F8F2
lua_caret                 #21222C
lua_selection             #8AE8FC95

high                      #21222C
low                       #F8F8F2
hover_highlight           #21222C
background_tint           #0000007F