Dracula's locked up by the Grinch. 40% OFF!
Dracula Icon


Dracula Theme for bspwm
bspwm - Theme Preview


Test first

You can easily test the theme, without the need to change and reload your bspwm config, by issuing four commands in your favorite terminal

bspc config normal_border_color "#44475a"
bspc config active_border_color "#bd93f9"
bspc config focused_border_color "#ff79c6"
bspc config presel_feedback_color "#6272a4"

You could also use Cyan as your focus color and the Comment color for your active node border. Active means, the node is the focused one on an unfocused monitor

bspc config active_border_color "#6272a4"
bspc config focused_border_color "#8be9fd"

Make it permanent

To make it permanent, add the four lines mentioned in the previous section to your bspwmrc, which you can probably find under ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc and reload bspwm

bspc wm -r