2020 Halloween Costume Contest
Halloween is almost here and this year I want to do something different...
Introducing the 2020 Halloween Costume Contest!
Take a photo or screenshot of your setup and share it on Twitter, Instagram, or Linkedin using the hashtag #draculatheme. Feel free to show your wallpaper, your editor, or anything else.
The best post will get a free Dracula PRO and the winner will be announced on October 31st!
I'll start, here's my current setup.
New on Dracula
This week 6 new themes have joined the Dracula family!
- CopyQ: Clipboard manager with scripting features
- Cryptowatch: Real-time market dashboards
- fman: Dual-pane file manager
- Micro: Terminal-based text editor
- Midnight Commander: Orthodox file manager
- ReNoise: Digital Audio Workstation
Happy hacking!