Dracula Icon


Dracula Theme for tlrc
tlrc - Theme Preview


Install using Git

If you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo:

git clone https://github.com/dracula/tlrc.git

Install manually

Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme

  1. Select one of the 4 variants of tlrc configuration file:
  • config.full.toml: Full default tlrc configuration file with Dracula theme and default background (includes complete configuration)
  • config.min.toml: Minimal default tlrc configuration file with Dracula theme and default background (includes only theme configuration)
  • config.with_bg.full.toml: Full default tlrc configuration file with Dracula theme and Dracula background (includes complete configuration)
  • config.with_bg.min.toml: Minimal default tlrc configuration file with Dracula theme and Dracula background (includes only theme configuration)
  1. Copy the configuration file to ~/.config/tlrc/config.toml.
  2. Boom! It's working ✨

If you want to enable the prefix bullet for examples using a vampire emoji, modify the following lines:

[output] show_hyphens = true example_prefix = "🧛🏻‍♂️ "