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Dracula Icon


Dracula Theme for Steam
steam - Theme Preview


⚠️ Attention: Steam (the platform) no longer supports themes, and this repository no longer has active maintainers. So it's just a search and reference theme.

There is a "basic" and a "extended" version of this theme.

To install the extended version first install the basic version and proceed then with the extended version.

Basic installation


If you use the best OS available, the installation can be very easy. Please check beforehand, if the mentioned Steam folder is existing (it should be on every distribution, but you can never be sure). Use the terminal, Luke:

  1. cd ~/.local/share/Steam/skins/ && git clone 'Dracula'
  2. open Steam and go to Steam -> Settings -> Preferences and open the section Interface
  3. select the skin Dracula and restart Steam, done!


  1. download or clone this repository
  2. extract (if downloaded compressed)
  3. move the extracted folder into your Steam skin folder (which is in the Steam base folder)
    default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Skins
  4. open Steam and go to Steam -> Settings -> Preferences and open the section Interface
  5. select the skin Dracula and restart Steam, done!


  1. download or clone the repository
  2. extract (if downloaded compressed)
  3. open Finder and press CMD + Shift + G
  4. type in ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam.AppBundle/Steam/Contents/MacOS/skins
  5. move the extracted folder into this folder
  6. open Steam and go to Steam -> Settings -> Preferences and open the section Interface
  7. select the skin Dracula or and restart Steam, done!


Easily install from dracula/homebrew-install:

brew tap dracula/install brew install --cask dracula-steam

Extended Installation

Steam decided to make it harder to customize the library with new layout introduced in late 2019.
To customize the library now, you have to alter a specific .css file that's get changed back after every restart. We can prevent this by starting steam with the start option -noverifyfiles enabled. After a steam update you have to redo the following install instructions.


  1. execute to move the custom css files into the right folder
  2. if you start Steam per autostart, check how to alter the autostart instructions in your distro and add the start option -noverifyfiles


  1. execute install.bat to move the custom css files into the right folder
  2. if you don't have autostart enabled, ignore these next steps
    1. press Win + R, type regedit and press Enter
    2. navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run where you should see a key of type REG_SZ named Steam
    3. double click the key, and add -noverifyfiles to the end
  3. modify your Steam shortcuts by right-clicking them, going to properties, and in the Target field add -noverifyfiles

Other OS & Manual installation

  1. in Steam/steamui/css rename 1010.css to steam1010.css and library.css to steamlibrary.css
  2. move all .css files from the skin folder (skins/dracula/css) into the css folder of steam (steam/steamui/css)
  3. if you start Steam per autostart, check how to alter the autostart instructions in your OS and add the start option -noverifyfiles