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Dracula Icon


Dracula Theme for Starship
starship - Theme Preview



There are two variants of the theme:

  • Palette: starship.toml. It provides the default Dracula colors, works with the default prompt character or any other user custom setup.
  • Theme: starship.theme.toml, rename it as starship.toml. It provides the Dracula colors and, in addition to the palette, some customized setup including a lambda prompt character. Feel free to use the one that you prefer, or integrate the Dracula colors in your own setup.

Install manually

Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme

Copy the starship.toml or starship.theme.toml (and rename) from the unzipped download to ~/.config/starship.toml if the file doesn't exist, otherwise append the content to the existing file, refer to the colors in their semantic names, and make sure you understand the changes.

Installing using Nix home-manager

If you're a Nix Home Manager user add the following to your home-manager config .nix

This setup was tested using zsh, change line 3 below if you're using a shell other than zsh.

{ programs.starship = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; settings = { = "bold #ffb86c"; = "bold #f1fa8c"; = "bold #50fa7b"; = "bold #ff5555"; = "bold #ff79c6"; = "bold #ff5555"; username = { format = "[$user]($style) on "; style_user = "bold #bd93f9"; }; character = { success_symbol = "[λ](bold #f8f8f2)"; error_symbol = "[λ](bold #ff5555)"; }; }; }; }