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Dracula Theme for Nova
nova - Theme Preview


Install using Nova

  1. Go to Preferences in Nova
  2. Go to the Theme tab
  3. Click the "More Themes" button
  4. Search for "Dracula"
  5. Click the Install Button

Install using Git

If you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo:

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/dracula/nova.git
  2. Navigate to the nova directory
  3. Activate the theme

Install manually

  1. Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip
  2. Navigate to the nova directory
  3. Activate the theme

Activating theme

  1. Double click the extension to add it to Nova
  2. Go to Preferences in Nova
  3. Go to the Theme tab
  4. Select Dracula from the choices