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Dracula Icon


Dracula Theme for LiteIDE
liteide - Theme Preview


Install using Git

If you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo:

git clone

Install manually

Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme


  1. Open a terminal and execute the following: cd dracula && ./
  2. Open LiteIDE
  3. Click View -> Options
  4. On the LiteEditor item, choose Fonts & Colors tab, change the File under Editor Color Scheme to: dracula.xml.
  5. Click OK.


  1. Copy dracula.xml to the liteide\share\liteide\liteeditor\color folder.
  2. Open LiteIDE
  3. Click View -> Options
  4. On the LiteEditor item, choose Fonts & Colors tab, change the File under Editor Color Scheme to: dracula.xml.
  5. Click OK.


  1. Navigate to the
  2. Right-click -> Show package contents.
  3. Copy dracula.xml to the folder.
  4. Open LiteIDE
  5. Click LiteIDE -> Preferences....
  6. On the LiteEditor item, choose Fonts & Colors tab, change the File under Editor Color Scheme to: dracula.xml.
  7. Click OK.