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Dracula Icon


Dracula Theme for GitKraken
gitkraken - Theme Preview


Install using Git

If you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo:

git clone

Install manually

Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Install using Homebrew

Easily install from dracula/homebrew-install:

brew tap dracula/install brew install --cask dracula-gitkraken

Activating theme

  1. Copy dracula-theme.jsonc and dracula-theme-dimmed.jsonc to the theme folder:
    1. In Windows will be C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\.gitkraken\themes
    2. In MacOS/Linux will be ~/.gitkraken/themes
  2. Then go to Preferences > UI Customization > Theme
  3. Choose Dracula or Dracula Dimmed from the dropdown menu

See also: GitKraken Custom-Themes