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Dracula Icon


Dracula Theme for exa
exa - Theme Preview


Install using Git

If you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo:

git clone

Install manually

Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them.

Activating theme

  1. Simply add the exa_colors to the end of your .zshrc:
#### ------------------------------ #### exa - Color Scheme Definitions #### ------------------------------ export EXA_COLORS="\ uu=36:\ gu=37:\ sn=32:\ sb=32:\ da=34:\ ur=34:\ uw=35:\ ux=36:\ ue=36:\ gr=34:\ gw=35:\ gx=36:\ tr=34:\ tw=35:\ tx=36:"
Suggested Aliases

For normal & larger displays include group (-g flag):

alias xl='exa -lag --icons --color=always'

For smaller or limited displays no group:

alias xl='exa -la --icons --color=always'